AI Quiz

AI Fundamentals Quiz

Generative AI Quiz – MCQ Questions and Answers


What is an ethical consideration in using generative AI for news and journalism?
Attracting larger audiences
Ensuring accuracy and credibility of generated content
Maximizing advertising revenue
Personalizing news feeds
Can ChatGPT understand and respond to sarcasm?
Yes, it has a built-in sarcasm detector
No, it interprets everything literally
Only if the sarcasm is very obvious
Only if it is trained on sarcastic data
In case of any doubt, users should:
Reach out to the GenAI taskforce for assistance
Make their own judgment call
Consult with their friends and family
Ignore the issue and move on
What is the significance of the matches attribute in the entity recognition results?
It provides confidence scores
It indicates the entity type
It shows where the entity appears in the text
It links to additional information
What is the primary function of generative AI in the field of astronomy?
To replace telescopes
To assist in data analysis and hypothesis generation
To control celestial bodies
To communicate with alien life
What is "voice cloning" in the context of generative AI?
Cloning voices in a lab
Recreating a person's voice using AI
Cloning AI's voice
Vocally cloning data
Can ChatGPT understand and discuss current events and news?
Yes, it has real-time access to news feeds
No, its knowledge is limited to its original training data
Only major global headlines
Only if provided a summary by the user
Which GAN variant is designed to learn disentangled representations of input data?
In BERT, how are wordpiece tokens typically represented that are not at the start of a word?
With a ## prefix
With a __ prefix
With a -- prefix
With a ** prefix
What is a feature store in MLOps?
A centralized repository for storing and managing features for machine learning
A tool for feature selection
A type of machine learning model
A method for feature engineering
What is the purpose of using beam search in GPT text generation?
To explore multiple possible output sequences
To reduce memory usage
To speed up inference
To simplify the model architecture
What is the primary function of the optimizer in neural networks?
To make the network optimal
To adjust model parameters
To increase processing speed
To compress the model
Can text-to-image models generate images from complex or abstract text descriptions?
Yes, but with varying degrees of success
No, they are limited to simple and concrete prompts
Only if the model is specifically trained on abstract concepts
Only for certain types of images like landscapes or portraits
What is the main advantage of using mixed precision training with automatic mixed precision (AMP) in Python for generative AI models?
To automatically choose optimal precision for operations, balancing speed and accuracy
To improve model accuracy
To reduce training time
To enhance data preprocessing
What does the momentum parameter in SGD optimizer do?
Accelerates convergence
Slows down learning
Increases learning rate
Decreases batch size
What is a potential benefit of AI-powered diagnostic tools?
They make doctors unnecessary
They can improve diagnostic accuracy and speed
They always provide perfect diagnoses
They eliminate the need for medical training
What challenge does generative AI face in content moderation?
Lack of content to moderate
Too strict moderation
Inability to identify any content
Balancing free speech with harmful content removal
What would be an appropriate task for using generative AI?
Analyzing historical data
Predicting stock prices
Creating original artwork
Optimizing database queries
What is the main purpose of the gating mechanism in certain transformer variants?
To apply regularization
To generate embeddings
To normalize inputs
To control information flow
Does the output of get_key_phrases contain confidence levels for key phrases?
Only for nouns
Only for verbs
Score: 0/20

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